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Finding North

One of my favorite ways to engage with my birth chart {beside using it as permission to assert my Scorpio-ness at every opportunity} is as a wayfinding tool. Wayfinding is the art of knowing where you are and where you've been so that you can get to where you're going. It's staying in alignment with your Path regardless of the ever-shifting cosmic landscape, incidental detours and our own life's distractions. When I'm feeling disoriented or I find myself at a crossroads and have a hard time choosing a direction, I like to take out my chart and recalibrate. I also do this around my birthday, at the start of a new project, or when I read a post online that makes me question every life choice I've ever made {you know the kind}. 

In this workshop, I'm hoping to offer you some tips and tricks for wayfinding with your own birth chart using five placements that make up an energetic compass of sorts. Bring your chart, we'll look at it together and see what's to be seen. 

This is a 90-120 minute workshop, depending on folks' participation. Everyone will get a copy of their birth chart {if you want one, be sure to let me know your accurate birth date, time and place!!} as well as a handy-dandy worksheet you can take home and use in your wayfinding work FOREVER.

The Deets:

Cost $30 {financially supported seats available upon request}

This is a live class in Blue Hill, Maine, hosted by The Nurtured Life.

Address provided upon registration.


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in a cave where gods can't see

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A Desert Island Herbal