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A Desert Island Herbal

How often did we play the 'desert island challenge' in grade school and spend hours agonizing over which five books or three favorite foods we'd want with us? The game continues...

I've been asked which herbs I'd want with me on a desert island so often that I went and made an entire workshop about it. July's "cheap & casual" Zoom meet will be an in-depth discussion of the five AMAZING herbs on my Desert Island List. The best way to learn about herbs? Start slow, start small. Be thorough. Get to know them in their wholeness.

I like to say that, for daily applications at least, you don't need to know a few facts about a hundred different herbs, it really works to know a hundred things about a few herbs.

Here are my most reached for friends; the folks on my shelves, in my emergency bag and probably somewhere on my person! Let's chat about WHY these are my forever answer to that age old question, and how you too can develop a confident working relationship with a handful of allies perfectly suited to your desert island needs.

The Deets:

Sunday July 30th


$10 {if this amount is prohibitive for you, please let me know. No one will be turned away for lack of funds}

All registrants will receive a recording of the workshop as well as any notes and handouts offered.


July 22

Finding North

October 5

Becoming A Backyard Herbalist