Hey there…

~ it’s me, your friendly neighborhood astroherbalist {that means I work with People, Plants *and* Planets~ it’s a three for one deal!}

I’ve got a tool kit full of random yet helpful skills, tools and resources that include Vitalist herbal traditions, embodied astrology, dynamic flower essence therapy, pre- and post-natal care training, and over two decades of lived experience, learning and practice.
I currently offer one-on-one sessions as well as community education through classes, workshops and the Herbal Heathen Mentorship Program. You can meet with me via Zoom {because that’s totally still a thing} or you can head to the meadow’s edge and we can chat in person at my office, the Haven.

I believe that true health care is:
Accessible~ close at hand and able to be accessed by Every One in the community; tools, resources, knowledge and skills that support well-being should be available to all. This is a HUGE cornerstone of my work and something I am always expanding on and becoming more specific about.

Relational~ everything in our web of existence is connected, we can’t pull on one string without touching the Whole. Relationship with the Earth which holds us, the other Beings who share space with us, the Plant Folk growing near us, the Land Bodies we call Home, and the Human communities we are members of is essential to our well-being.

Humane ~ we can’t extract wellness with harmful practices, exploitation, appropriation, cruelty, withholding, disregard, and loyalty to the Unwell systems that surround us. Ever. The end. If people can’t afford it, if they can’t hold it, if they can’t find it, if they can’t see themselves in it, if it excludes them, if they can’t approach it, if it brings more pain and harm into the world, then what the hell are we doing?

My practice is committed to growing ever more radical in these ideals while providing space for folks to compassionately tend their Well Being


Bitter Belongs to Venus


In Which I Become “Official”