Choosing an Essence

Dr. Bach was pretty adamant that his remedies be absolutely and for always accessible to the public. You don't need a degree to safely and effectively use flower essences. You can't overdose, there's little (if any) age or vitality consideration when it comes to administration, and they don't interact with pharmaceuticals.

"If you are cold, you put on a sweater," said Bach, "and if you need confidence, you take Larch." He wanted it to be as simple and as natural as putting on a sweater when you get a chill. He hoped that every household would have its own set of essences to be used and loved and relied on day to day. His writings are very plain and his indicators firm. So why is it such a big deal now? Hands-down, the number one question I am asked about essences is, "How do I know which one to choose?" How can I tell? I feel like Bach would have something to say about this - perhaps it is a 'symptom of the age' that we have endless options and struggle with discernment. With every choice added, we add a layer of complexity - and Bach seem to preach SIMPLICITY with a religious fervor. He birthed 38 floral essences and considered the case closed. In his reckoning, these covered not only constitutional types and habitual behaviors, but the wide spectrum of emotional responses and acute states as well. Yet, as we progress as a species in this world, our condition deepens and our world becomes more complicated. We tend to reflect our environment and for most of us - that's a pretty complex picture. We are a complicated People and now are able to access hundreds of essences. How can we take the simplicity of Bach's indications, "if you need confidence" and apply them to the subtle intensity with which we move through our lives? How can I tell if I am lacking confidence (Larch) or direction (Oat) or if I'm just nervous (Aspen) or maybe I'm afraid (Mimulus)?

Let's get our cup of tea and sit down for a bit.

Bach initiated 38 essences and called it Good. For most of the more classically-minded folks, this is fine with them. In my practice, I *mostly* use Bach's 38 original essences. I find them to be complete and extremely applicable. I also love the essences made by Flower Essence Services/Society here in America. I use a handful of their essences frequently - mostly in acute and unique cases surrounding recovery from specific traumas. And even then, they're hugged by a choice Bachian remedy or two. Wellness is not a static science, we are blessed to be living in a time where there are brilliant minds and vibrant spirits devoted to HEALING the Wholeness of people and can stand as a bridge between the vibrations of Human and Plant and offer gifts to both sides. Bach's essences were complete in and of themselves, but most of us agree that they weren't *IT*. Plants have so much more to say and so many people who are willing to listen - how could we doubt that there would be more to hear?! But - I digress. (I told you there would be rambling...) For most of us, most of the time, we're going to be using the 38 remedies that Bach midwifed. They're the ones you find in the heathfood store or co-op grocery. I can't say I've found a situation where they haven't been "just the thing".

I have found that it helps to break things down into digestible, understandable bits. Bach discovered his remedies in a specific order - first there were 12, then 7 more and then the last 19 - 38 in all. The first 12 remedies (Agrimony, Chicory, Cerato, Clematis, Centaury, Mimulus, Impatiens, Gentian, Rock Rose, Scleranthus, Vervain, Water Violet) addressed a specific Soul Type and corresponds to our constitution. The second set of 7 (Gorse, Heather, Vine, Olive, Oat, Wild Oat, RockWater) address specific habits and chronic conditions, behavioral patterns - where you get Stuck. The last 19 (Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Walnut, the Chestnuts, Beech, Honeysuckle, Elm, Willow, Aspen, Pine, Mustard, Wild Rose, Crab Apple, Holly, Hornbeam, Larch) are used for acute cases, emotional responses, reactions, temporary places, etc.

***This is isn't a RULE - it's a Guide (said like Captain Barbosa) Mustard is for depression that comes and goes like foul weather. One minute here, the next it's gone. Mustard settled into a habit can become Gorse, given up on life. And perhaps the person struggling in this mire is a Gentian type, hardworking but apt to become dismal and discouraged, tends to doubt their abilities and the Higher Plan at work. This is an example, of course, but it serves to show - however simplistically - how one might categorize and approach the layers of support essences can provide. What are you looking to address? Did your dog just die and the grief feels crippling immediately? Are you struggling to shift out of a job that plagues you with constant stress. Did you have a fight with you significant other and *something* is different now? Are you in recovery and doing intense therapeutic work to untangle a lifetime of trauma? Are you trying to decide on a new career path after being laid off? Did the ride home from school frustrate the hell out of you?

Step One is being able to name - as best you can - what you are wanting to work with. Is it an emotional response you are moving through? Is it a habit or lifestyle change you want to make or break? Is it something about YOU that's being itchy? And the good news is that the good Dr. Bach made a provision for this - if you don't know, take Wild Oat. Like a compass, Wild Oat offers us orientation, a place to stand and observe and discern. Its a great remedy to take when you don't know which one you need. You can use this first step with before choosing ANY essence. Is this Acute (emotional), Chronic (behavioral), or Conditional (who I feel I am)? And it's ok to blend those too! Maybe you feel a certain way BECAUSE of a behavior or chronic condition. Or write them as a sentence... "I feel angry. My job is so stressful, I'm exhausted. I would rather be in the woods in complete isolation but instead I'm at this call center every day... I'm too damn introverted for this." You get the idea.

Have you decided whether it is an acute response (a symptom), chronic habit (a learned behavior) or constitutional struggle (something about your core being)? Are you *Upset* because your boss belittled you in front of coworkers? That's an example of an acute response - it's an emotional "flair-up" and not your constant state of being. Have you noticed that 'ever since' you started this job, you've become more and more edgy and irritated - it's leaking into your life every day and your health and/or wellness is being effected? That would be an example of a chronic problem, a place where you're *stuck*. Often we describe these states with the words, "Ever since". You can often pin-point the shift. Constitutional situations can be a bit difficult and not always what we are attempting to work with right off the bat. What are your earliest memories? How would your caretakers have described you? Perhaps your current situation is irritating to you because it isn't in line with your Authentic Self. Maybe you've always been a bit fussy and irritable? For simplicity's sake, we're going to work with acute responses to this whole, "Boss Yelled At You At Work" scenario. And now - you're 'upset'. Which essence should you take? There are several essences that have "angry" as indicators. Which one is best for YOU? Take a few moments and really try to put your finger on that feeling.

Is it truly angry? Is it flavored more with embarrassment - or frustration? See if you can tease it apart at all, How does it look? How is it playing out in your heart and mind? What are some of the physical responses going on?

>>I'm upset<<

"I can't stop thinking about it! It's playing over and over and over again in my head."

"I felt like tearing the building apart. I don't know what I'll do!"

"I'm so embarrassed. It really is my fault, I should have done better..."

"I give up. If only the earth would open and swallow me whole."

Do you hear the different shades of feeling? Rarely ever are we purely and exclusively "MAD" or "UPSET". How easy would *that* be? Different essences address different shades and flavors and expression of feeling. There is no "Upset With Your Boss" essence, but there is one that soothes repetitive, obsessive thought patterns ("It's like a broken record in my head!"- White Chestnut) or a destructive burst of rage ("I don't know WHAT I'll do!!" -Cherry Blossom) or upset dressed as shame, ("This is all my fault.." - Pine) or depression, ("I give up." - Mustard)

Another idea is to ask yourself WHY. Fill in the blanks, "I feel _____ because ____"

"I'm frustrated because I can't seem to catch on. This is the fourth time I've had to redo this project." - Chestnut Bud (accepting and assimilating experiences, ability to learn)

"I'm furious because this isn't my fault. I resent being blamed for this screw-up." - Willow (resentment, bitterness, self-pity, injustice)

"I'm devastated because I don't feel good enough." -Larch (confidence, inferiority complexes, creative expression)

The last "trick" is to ask yourself what you NEED. Not just "what you want" but - what do you need to happen in order to move past this incident?

"I need my mind to be quiet - I need to let this go." (White Chestnut)

"I need this wad of hate to go away..." (Holly) "I need a light at the end of the tunnel." (Mustard)

"I need to talk to my boss; I need to stand up for myself." (Larch)

"I need to release all the stress and shit I accumulate in the day..." (Crab Apple)

"I need to not just simmer in my own sauces.." (Willow)

Sometimes it takes a while to work through the layers of feelings. You feel out of control with rage and when that fades, you see it's because you were ashamed; you don't feel 'good enough' anywhere else in your life and *that's* because.... - you can go on answering the "Why" over and over and over again - and this is The Work. By the time we're adults, we've created some pretty impressive and highly complex methods of coping with our upset. Half the adults I talk to can't put their finger on a feeling to save their life. It's UPSET. It's DRAMA. It's STRESS. It's "Shove It At The Bottom Of A Wine Glass or Facebook Post and Ignore It". We're not always very emotionally literate. One of the first things I noticed when I began working with essences personally was that I got So Much Better at figuring out HOW I was actually feeling and WHY. And then, not only the how and why, but the WHAT - what did I need to initiate in order to solve the problem. In order to break unhealthy patterns and cycles, we need to be able to recognize and address the proper links in the chains. We won't always do it perfectly, but this is certainly one instance in which effort is rewarded and practice makes perfect.

Flower essences aren't magical fairy potions that will rid you of all your pain and suffering. They are shovels that can remove years of toxic sh*t built up in your heart and mind - but you have to do a great deal of the shoveling. They are keys that can unlock incredible shifts in our energy and experiences, but you have to discover the right one and Use It in the proper lock. They are oxygen tanks and scuba gear, but you have to jump off the boat and dive to the deep dark to retrieve the treasure. They are empowerment.

Going through an emotional uproar? I offer 30 minute check-ins throughout the month that give you the chance to do a little of this work with a friendly guide (me!) This isn't a gent waltz through a field of wildflowers, it's more of a brisk bucket brigade of pointed questions I can ask you and, if you respond honestly and play fairly, offer an essence or two to help shift you back towards center. You can easily use the structure we work through in your own life as often as needed not only to get a handle on working with essences, but to develop and enjoy a greater emotional vocabulary. Empower *yourself* to reach for and enjoy Wellness in every area of your life. ((And let me know if you want to schedule something!))

- Your AstroHerbalist, Andi


Essences for Dark and Light