Herbs for a Wounded Heart

Some of us live with wounded hearts.

The accumulation of heartbreak - like the repeated dislocating of a joint - creates a chronic ache. Even the most vibrant of joys and delicious of loves feel limping and clouded. Those who live with a chronic condition know - there are good days and bad; you do the best with each. Here are some plant allies I have leaned on when having a "flair-up".
*Violet {herb} and Star of Bethlehem {FE} I worked with these while navigating my Saturn return. In my experience, Violet is an Opener to Grief and therefore a valuable remedy for What Is Suppressed. It prevents calcification of the heart; a quiet, gray-eyed Friend who will sit with you and allow you to ugly cry. It gives softness and space and in spite of its reputation for mildness, can hold a great deal of "ugly" feelings. It is not intimidated by our pain. Star of Bethlehem supports us when we are shattered with grief - stunned, numb and beside ourselves. Perhaps we are afraid to feel the full weight of our pain - this essence helps us to feel and release it.
*Motherwort, Rose & Hawthorn {FE & herb} as protective heart tonics both energetically and physically. I've found Motherwort to be a specific for wounds that Rage. Stabbed through the heart. Emotional pain that induces panic or hatred. Rose is also appropriate in this particular dynamic. Boiling over with grief. Hawthorn is tremendously supportive for the heart and mind and acts protectively during times of increased stress and energetic 'inflammation'. Notice how all three have thorns/spikes? There is something about their energy which feels safe when we're wild with pain.
*Lemon Balm & Borage {FE & herb} disheartened - no heart/fight left. The Light feels extinguished. These two have been asked to quicken weakened, faltering hearts for centuries. They offer relief from the Discouragement of pain, the helplessness of loss and anguish. It gives back fight and fire, sparks hope and life. They are a warm hand reaching out to take ours, affirming our resilience and strength when we fear we've been beaten.
~We all walk through life with unseen wounds, I hope you are able to offer yours some tenderness and support today.


good for what haunts you


Impatiens Essence; A portrait of pain