Borage Flower Essence


Borage Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

Borage has a unique ability to allow us to move with authenticity, sincerity, compassion and JOY

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.

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Borage Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

Borage has a unique ability to allow us to move with authenticity, sincerity, compassion and JOY

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.

Borage Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

Borage has a unique ability to allow us to move with authenticity, sincerity, compassion and JOY

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.


Boldy Go

We don’t need courage when we safely Glow in the center of our system.
The Sun, which loves to Stand Out as the heartbeat and hub of our years’ wheel, is far from its home in the rather frigid outer realm of Aquarius. This isn’t ‘standing out’ as much as ‘standing apart’. There is something of isolation in these signs that bookend the spectrum of our Individuality; the Sun in Leo is singular in its Centralness, the Sun in Aquarius is singular in its Apartness. It feels Outside, it can see the cracks in the systems, it is forced to reckon with the realities of what is and isn’t “working”. It’s pulled towards revolution in a completely different context than it is used to. Existence revolves around the Sun, but sometimes the Sun must break its own heart in order to create Revolution in the spaces where it is desperately needed. This is a Sun acquainted with the persecution directed towards the nonconforming. It feels weird rather than unique, gawked at rather than celebrated, and isolated rather than centralized within a group. It is far from what it craves and feels it needs. This is a call for courage.

Borage can help us understand and embody the tension inherent to Individuality. What is our responsibility to the other Individuals in the System, and the System itself? Where are we called to push, provoke, or stand out in the ‘ugliest’ of ways. In ways that aren’t pleasurable, easy, or ‘normal’? We need boldness for this. We need courage.
There is somewhere in *your* life where you Stand Out and it isn’t for us to shrink into coldness - it’s the goddamn SUN, it’s still going to shine and produce fruit there, even if it’s Hard. The fruit we produce in exile feeds a weird and weary world full of Individuals who suffer at the hands of Systems not centralized around a common Heart.
Borage has a unique ability to allow us to move with authenticity, sincerity, compassion and JOY. We nourish ourselves deeply in community. We find ways to playfully revolt, to creatively deconstruct, to rebel with *gusto*, to reimagine through every artistic means available. The exiled Sun sees its home FULL of Light, and is encouraged