Black Eyed Susan Flower Essence


Black Eyed Susan Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

My intention for this essence is that it might give Light and Breath and Space to those parts, that we might compassionately engage with what is forced to go ‘stand in the corner’ and not play with the others. That we might embrace our unique brilliance, even if it’s not at all what society expects or esteems. It is ok to be surprising, to be unheard of, to be seen as cunning or strange, to be Different, to be something New. It is ok to have shadow and shading and texture. To have sound and presence and Flavor. To SEE and think from different perspectives. To create and express from different perspectives. Not only is it OK- but it is Healthy, and needed.

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.

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Black Eyed Susan Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

My intention for this essence is that it might give Light and Breath and Space to those parts, that we might compassionately engage with what is forced to go ‘stand in the corner’ and not play with the others. That we might embrace our unique brilliance, even if it’s not at all what society expects or esteems. It is ok to be surprising, to be unheard of, to be seen as cunning or strange, to be Different, to be something New. It is ok to have shadow and shading and texture. To have sound and presence and Flavor. To SEE and think from different perspectives. To create and express from different perspectives. Not only is it OK- but it is Healthy, and needed.

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.

Black Eyed Susan Flower Essence set in brandy and honey

My intention for this essence is that it might give Light and Breath and Space to those parts, that we might compassionately engage with what is forced to go ‘stand in the corner’ and not play with the others. That we might embrace our unique brilliance, even if it’s not at all what society expects or esteems. It is ok to be surprising, to be unheard of, to be seen as cunning or strange, to be Different, to be something New. It is ok to have shadow and shading and texture. To have sound and presence and Flavor. To SEE and think from different perspectives. To create and express from different perspectives. Not only is it OK- but it is Healthy, and needed.

1 oz glass dropper bottle.

Handmade in Maine / Cruelty Free

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA is not intended to prevent, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.


Befriending the Monster Within

Flower essences are the pinnacle of Plant and Planetary relationship - cosmic energies combine with plant beings to create remedies for what’s haunting us.
Flower essences support The Shifting - creating ease and engagement within our being so that we don’t become stuck, trapped in any one state. I like to say that they don’t stop challenging or painful circumstances or emotions, but they do help us to keep our hands on the wheel so we can navigate through them!
When it’s possible, I like to make my essences when there are supportive astrological transits happening, for an extra layer of nuance and support. Today, the Moon is in Aquarius and is making direct, passionate eye contact with Venus and Mars across the way in Leo- the perfect energetic imprint for this Black Eyed Susan. It is my hope that this essence will help us to find ease and acceptance for the places within ourselves that feel unloveable and unworthy to be seen, the parts we dissociate from, or hide under the bed. Perhaps they’re the parts of us that have been singled out, teased, bullied or rejected by others and so we force them underground.
My intention for this essence is that it might give Light and Breath and Space to those parts, that we might compassionately engage with what is forced to go ‘stand in the corner’ and not play with the others. That we might embrace our unique brilliance, even if it’s not at all what society expects or esteems. It is ok to be surprising, to be unheard of, to be seen as cunning or strange, to be Different, to be something New. It is ok to have shadow and shading and texture. To have sound and presence and Flavor. To SEE and think from different perspectives. To create and express from different perspectives. Not only is it OK- but it is Healthy, and needed.