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Herbal Recipes for Mind and Mood

You asked for another "cheap & casual" workshop and I said,
"Oh Hell Yeah..."
February 25th, my fellows.
Join us live or enjoy the recording of this casual workshop focused on herbal allies to support your Mind & Mood.
We'll be in my kitchen again, brewing up some herbal infusions, formulating tincture blends and even creating some topical preparations.
If you've ever googled "herbs for stress" and then been overwhelmed by the results, or tried to work with an herb that was "supposed" to help you chill out but ended up doing the opposite (or nothing at all!), if you've ever wondered which herbs prefer to be in a tea rather than a tincture, or wanted to find a couple of plant allies that are aligned with your unique energy and needs - you may want to check this out.
The workshop will be recorded and sent to everyone who registers along with a printable download with plant profiles, notes, techniques and formulas.
Come as you are - in pajamas, eating breakfast, or even at a later date. I may show up looking like some kind of hobo-homesteader, but that's part of the charm of it all...

*Saturday, February 25th
*10:00am-12:00pm EST
*Register by messaging me, or by sending $10 via Venmo (@EveryLightWellness) or PayPal (
*If you would like to sponsor spot, you are most welcome to! We were able to offer several free seats to folks last time and it really worked out well, THANK YOU!!!
*If you need a sponsored spot, let me know and we'll hook you up.
*Recordings will be sent to folks who register *only*. It will not be sold afterwards.
*Got questions?? I've got answers!! (about this workshop, that is - I can't promise I have answers for a damn thing otherwise)
*See you there!

January 28

Make Your Own Medicine Workshop

March 11

Hands-On Shifts