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A Planetary Herbal

You've stared up at the night sky, you've tracked the dance of planets through horoscopes and transit charts and perhaps you find yourself longing to have a deeper, more personal, more *tangible* relationship with these celestial beings. It is unlikely that you and I will ever step foot on Mars, or shake Jupiter's hand in orbit - but we don't really need to! For millennia, humankind has engaged with our celestial neighbors through their echoes on the earth - Plant Folk. Did you know that, like us, plants have horoscopes? Shaped by the same energetic influences, they bear the imprint and energies of the Cosmos- growing in your front yard. We may never reach Mars, but we can experience its sharp heat through the Nettle plant!

This workshop is a foundational exploration of the Seven Planets and some Plant Folk who, in my experience and opinion, mirror their energy and Being. Each planet and plant discussed with be accompanied by a recipe or activity to help us physically engage with both our Celestial and Terrestrial community.

This Workshop is being offered through Zoom; there will be a recording available. All attendees will receive a pdf file with helpful notes and activities for engagement.

Price: $25.00 USD

Contact me for questions and financial accessibility options by emailing:

Register for the workshop by clicking on the link below!

June 2

Becoming a Backyard Herbalist Workshop Series

June 25

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