
My yard has been awash in Jewels this year and I couldn’t be more delighted. I love these gorgeous, explosive Beings and have benefited from working with them many, many times.

In case you haven't met before, the beauty in the photo above is "Jewelweed" or "Impatiens capensis" {it sounds like a spell, doesn't it?} It is a voracious grower and prefers damp, fertile soils and some shade ~ I tend to find them growing in great clumps by the homestead frog pond, on the edged of our woods and there's even one who has set up residency by the outdoors water faucet. Many folks recognize the juicy, knobby stems and bright orange and crimson blossoms. Children {and adults} delight in gently tapping the ripening seed pods to experience the small explosion that ensues. The capsules have a way of 'expelling' their seeds with a great deal of force ~ the SNAP is audible.

The flower essence is indicated for folks who startle to the touch, who prefer to do things by themselves in their own way, and who may become irritated and snappish if they need help, deeply upset at the “interference”. They may resist asking for help until desperate and even then aren’t the most gracious of recipients.

Sensitivity to sensory stimuli may be quite high, and physical or emotional discomfort, illness or pain my trigger strong feelings of anger and frustration. They usually want to be “better” or “over it” immediately and without assistance.

The words sensitive, solitary, interference, urgency, and irritation come up a lot when I’m talking to folks who might benefit from getting to know this plant. Sometimes it’s situational {I’m really only like this when I’m driving} and sometimes it’s more constitutional {this is pretty much how I relate to life in general}.

Topically, as an herb, the juicy pulp of Jewelweed’s crooked stems has eased the angry irritation of many a bite or sting, as well as the not-so-gentle reminder of boundary plants such as poison ivy or nettles who want us to WATCH WHERE WE’RE GOING! Clinical studies have also shown that it has antifungal properties that support the easing of athlete’s foot and other fungal dis-orders.

Astrologically, I would offer that I feel the echo of an Aries Moon in this plant. The sensitivity, the heightened awareness of their individual space and needs, the resistance to interference all speak to me of the Moon through the fiery and combustive energy of Aries. There is also the vibrant Aliveness and tenacity of spirit which makes this energy so attractive to so many.

I am very much what Dr. Edward Bach calls an ‘Impatiens type’ and it’s the first essence I reach for when I start to feel the unbearable irritation that shows up when I’m in pain or getting sick. Interestingly enough, it was actually the first essence I was introduced to as a teenager {so many} years ago. It has sought me throughout my lifetime and constantly reminds me that relationship between two beings is most definitely two-sided. Sometimes it’s easy to settle into the mindset that we as humans do the pursuing, the initiating, the needing, the “using”, and the benefiting in every relationship when that’s just not true. It’s very worthwhile to spend the time reprograming that little conviction!

I am a *terrible* patient~ or was, at least. I have to say that after several years of working with this essence faithfully {as well as engaging with a bunch of other *stuff* that needed pushing about and cleaning out} my response to getting sick or hurt has really changed. It’s easier for me to rest, to ask for help, to accept the help I’ve asked for ~ and not be a withdrawn and spiky b*tch because I’m scared and overstimulated by the discomfort. Yup.
It is not lost on me that Impatiens is so soothing for the rash that happens when boundaries are crossed ~ a lot of the pain of this type comes from overextending ourselves OR being imposed upon inappropriately. It also addresses the *fear* of this happening; ‘I am weakened- if I ask for help I may lose my self in the process’. Anger is many things, and often it’s an attempt to self-preserve in the face of an imposition of some sort. Whether it’s another human, an illness, Pain Itself, or our own unwillingness to observe the boundaries we Need. We can end up withdrawn, furious, and bitter ~ like a blistering rash on the skin of our energy.
Impatiens was the essence that taught me how to work *with them* and showed me how they ‘work’ in general. I saw that they opened my ability to engage when I was stuck in a certain mindset or pattern. It’s the shovel you need when you’ve got a hole to dig, you know? You’ve still got to put your back into it, but now it’s *possible* and the effort leads to progress.
I had to put my back into healing my wounds, but Impatiens gave me the lubrication and ease so I could do it.

Being sick or in pain is STILL not my favorite thing, and I don’t know that I will ever qualify as “gracious” OR “patient” when I’m irritated and overstimulated, but Impatiens has helped me to feel my roots a little more securely, to feel less threatened by needing help, to hold my personal boundaries with a little more care and respect, and I am grateful.


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