Aries New Moon / Impatiens

This month the Moon finds itself brushing against the Sun, not at its hottest but its most potent. 

When is a planet in “Exaltation”? It has left its home and traveled through its exile and fall. It was wound its way around the web and wrestled with knots similar to those we, dustborn, must also face. They are not unlike us, these celestial bodies - or perhaps we are like them. We also go through times of exile and challenge, we come up against opposing forces and must carve ourselves away from fear, stir ourselves out of apathy, continue orbiting around the nucleus of our existence. 

A planet is not exalted when it’s comfortable at home. It has stories to tell and skeletons in its closet. It is a planet which has tried and failed, gained and lost, honed itself against trials until it is razor sharp. It’s not a force so much as a potency. Planets in exaltation are the heart of a formula, resourced and supported by every knot along the way. 

I think of an Exalted Sun as a Sun acquainted with pain, sorrow and loneliness. A Sun which has done its time on the outskirts and fringes, that has learned to relate to others and bend its rays so that others might shine. Not just blinding us from the sky day after day, this Sun understands what it is to Be in this cosmic community as a servant, guardian and the source of warmth, light and life. 

Impatiens has been a favorite plant of mine ~ it is the first flower essence I think of for folks who wrestle with the more challenging traits of Aries’ energy. Headstrong, temperamental, excruciatingly sensitive, impatient, independent to a fault, they are often folks who find themselves thrust onto the thorn of Life; wounded by the pain of Aliveness. They are overrun by its powerful brilliance and not quite honed into the potency of exaltation. I find this plant offering us the security of Selfness so that we are able to safely Be in this life, not as a ticking tension waiting to explode, but as an engaged participant who is in reciprocal relationship with existence.


Scorpio Full Moon / Blackberry


Libra Full Moon / Yarrow